Branching WIP #2

More progress on the mission branching.

Waves are now "graded" so generating branches is more structured with an even spread of different difficulties and no duplicate branches. 

There's also a rudimentary display to let the player find out the wave an exit will lead to. Approaching a gate triggers a message log with the necessary info.

It's pretty rough and I'm still thinking about ways to improve the presentation. Aside from the mission type, the other text is just fluff and placeholders so don't mind them too much.

Here's an experiment using a 2-page format:

Alternatively, was thinking of making the exits "targetable" and the mission info displays on where your weapon stuff is.

On another note, the player's health and armor will no longer be refreshed when finishing a wave. Instead, you'll have to find and complete a specific wave (called RALLY POINT) in order to receive a health/armor restore during a mission. This does mean I might need to change up the fanfare when a wave is completed.

That's it for now and thanks for sticking around!

Get Hammer

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