Update #9


  • New music track from DraftDraft that plays during missions.
    • Mission music will now be randomly selected at start and then change whenever a block change happens


  • Rally point rework!
    • Instead of being a special contract, it is now a universal feature that is available at the end of any contract
    • A special tile will appear on the block
      • Pressing ACTION on the tile will initiate a refresh
    • When used, it will have a cooldown and become unavailable until a certain number of contracts are completed
      • Currently, the cooldown is set to 1, so it will be available every other contract if always used.
    • A new accolade (NO RESUPPLY) will be added to your score if you reach the exit without using a RALLY POINT
  • Dash tweaks
    • Base Dash values raised
      • This also affects enemies. Enemy HAMRs will be a bit more mobile now.
    • Dashing while grounded will immediately set your dash speed to your maximum in the chosen direction
      • Dashing in the air requires you to accelerate
  • Backpack tweaks
    • ASSAULT PACK now only lets your aerial dash go straight to maximum, like a grounded dash
    • MANEUVER PACK allows you to burst upwards now
  • Braking stat is now weight and leg dependent
    • Depending on the stat, you may regain control and begin movement even if the brake has not finished
  • Block exits will only be detected on passive sensors when unlocked


  • SKIRMISH contracts and WAVE battles freezing when enemies aren't marked as killed
    • Caused by enemies dying and getting repooled (and their health reset) before the SquadManager notices they died.
  • Animation variables now get reset whenever you activate a cinematic (change blocks, rally point, etc)
    • No more STOMP STOMP STOMP sounds while the next block is loading

I'll be iterating on the rally point stuff for a bit of time, especially with regards to presentation. Otherwise, I'll try tying some mechanics to it, like having variable cooldowns or if certain contracts or outcomes affect the cooldown.

Also need to figure out a thing to replace the old Rally Point contracts. Maybe an early exit?

Thanks for sticking around!


Game Executable 54 MB
Oct 18, 2023

Get Hammer


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Love reading updates for this!


man, whoever did that music is awesome